Foundation Information Technologies and the Future of Economic Science


The Information Technology and the Future of Economic Science Foundation’s mission is to initiate a global discussion forum to question the need for a “Digital Transformation of Economic Science.”

The Foundation was established in 2019. The idea for establishing a forum came from the President of Bulgaria — Rumen Radev — after his extensive acquaintance with the activities and discoveries of the Institute for Systemic Economic Engineering, also known as the core of the technology park Base IDEUM.

The Foundation’s main objective is to initiate the creation of a forum that will serve as a platform for discussion of the need for development of a new quality human capital, one that carries knowledge for an ontological model of the economy of enterprises for machines, considered as systemic objects and subjects, part of the Western economy. This concept received the name “Digital Transformation of Economic Science,” and the implementation of this reform consists in the urgent creation and deployment of a global organizational structure called the World Complex for Systemic Economic Engineering.

The purpose of the Foundation is to create platforms for mutual understanding and partnership on an international level and achieve cooperation among the representatives of the elites.

Find more information about the necessity for Digital Transformation of Economic Science in our Manifesto.